Tuesday 16 October 2007

Tuesday 16th October - Migration

For the next 3 lessons we will be studying migration, its causes, effects (both positive and negative) and case studies at various scales and in different parts of the world.

Today's powerpoint:

Homework activities

Watch the Channel 4 dispatches programme called 'Immigrants: The Inconvenient Truth' which is available here via You Tube (unfortunately in a lot of parts).

Make notes on the positive and negative effects of in-migration in the UK. Post a comment on this link (with your first name!) about your opinions on what you have watched.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6


Anonymous said...

From watching the programme I think that in-migration in the UK puts a great strain on public services and benefit claims. However I also think that the immigrants play a key part in the country's success. They are sometimes more willing to work and offer longer hours of work than the British alternatives.

Anonymous said...

From watching the programme i beleive that migrants are playing a vital role in our economy for British workers are no longer enthusiastic about work and would rather fork of the government, many migrants are eager to work. Our ageing population is causing many problems in this country, migrant workers are picking up the slack yes some bring strains but no more than lazy workers and uneducated British people.
I believe that the increase in immigrants will cause the British to work harder. It will also decrease the amount of racial tension making us able to co-exist peacefully, though it will take time.

Anonymous said...

From watching the programme I think that migration in the Uk is both a good thing and a bad thing. Becuase of the migration it is putting alot of stress onto the public services as more people are needing to use these.
But also at the same time migration is boosting the uk's business and economy up.
The fact that immigrants are willing to work unlike some people in the uk and they are also willing to work more hours helps to boost the uk business up.
The only problems that are coming out of migration is that the immigrants are bringing over illnesses like HIV and TB which is causing more of a problem with all these immigrants coming over to the uk it means that these illnesses are becoming spread throughout the uk.

Anonymous said...

i watched the videos and i thought that the piont in this film showed the two sides to immergration well. i thought that the bad point outwieghed the good points. it showed how they cost us money and how they are in somecase treated better thatn people who are citizensall their lives

Anonymous said...

From watching the programmes i think that migration boasts the UK's economey as these people come over here primarily to work, more willing than the British. However, with increase in population this puts great strain on the public services and benefit claims. Because we have an ageing population migration means that there would be more economically active people so they could help subsidise pensions and reduce this issue. i think that with the increase of foreign working could increase issues like racism because the british claim that their jobs are being stolen. Foreigners are also bringing in foregin diseases like HIV/aids meaning that these can spread creating a problem for the UK.

Anonymous said...

From watching the programme i believe that inmigration plays a huge part on the UK economy and business and without them the country would struggle, as they are willing to work longer hours. Although they are putting a major strain on the public services and are over populating the country. Personally i think they should put more of a limit on the number of immigrants allowed to enter the country.

Anonymous said...

By watching the programme I feel I have seen both sides of the arguments for and against migration. While migration develops the economy and brings in keen, hard working people, there is a growing strain on vital public services like healthcare, education and transport which reduces the benefits of migration and on a whole, decreases the standard living conditions of the average british person. However, migration is now an essential part of britian's economical society and without it, businesses and services in Britain would suffer.

Miss Jordan said...

Well done to everyone who has left a comment so far - some well thought out ideas.

Lots of intereting points are being rasied in this programme and by you about the positive and negative consequences of migration. Matt makes an interesting point about putting a limit on the number of immigrants - I heard a discussion about this on the radio on my way home tonight (and I am working on a way of getting it onto this site!) Many countries limit the number of economic migrants e.g. USA and Australia with their famous(?) points system.