Monday 1 October 2007

Population Structure - Tuesday 2nd October

The population structure of a country, region or even individual settlement is shown as a unique sort of graph which shows the percentage of the population in different age categories, for males and females. These are known as population pyramids.

Due: Tuesday 9th October

Produce a detailed answer to this question: How and why does the population structure of a country in the MEDW differ from that of a country in the LEDW?

To tackle this you should:
~ Choose one country in the LEDW and one in the MEDW.
~ Use this website to find their population pyramids for 2000.
~ You could annotate the two population pyramids - explain their shape (the lesson powerpoint will help you with this.)
~ Write an answer to the question - make sure you say how they are different (different shapes) and why they are different.
~ You should use detailed information from the data sheet you were given e.g. birth rate, death rate, life expectancy etc.

You might want to explore this website to remind yourself of what we did in the lesson!

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