Thursday, 31 January 2008

Brownfield or Greenfield?

You need to:
Be able to explain why there is demand for new housing in the UK
Understand the issues faced over using both brown and greenfield sites for the development of new housing

Read the Geofile article given out in the lesson.
Answer questions:
i) Examine the issues regarding the use of brownfield sites for additional housing in a town or city in the UK (7)
ii) There are plans to extend existing rural settlements and to create new villages within southeast England before 2016. Examine the issues considered by decision makers when selecting sites for such new developments (7)

Additional reading - remember you should be doing 4 hours of study for each of your subjects. Are you?
Guardian article: Housing demand - The issue explained
Environment Agency statament about the use of brownfield sites
BBC Bitesize overview - it's designed for GCSE, but a concise place to start

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