Wednesday, 26 March 2008

Economic Activity homeworks

We have no lessons for ages now; next week we are in Ireland (!!) and then it is the two week break. Therefore, you need to complete a number of homework activities before our next lesson on Tuesday 22nd April.

1. Complete the mind map you started in the lesson - this needs to be very detailed and you will therefore need to read the articles I gave you.
2. Complete the exam questions I gave you.
3. Read the notes about Newly Industrialising Countries (NICs)
4. Produce a case study about a Multinational Corportaion (MNC) e.g. Ford, General Motors etc. You might want to read P250-251 in your textbook to help you with this.

Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Changing patterns of retail

Learning Objectives Part 1:
•To identify the theoretical sphere of influence of Derby using Reilly’s Law of Retail Gravitation.
•To identify the actual sphere of influence of Derby using fieldwork data.
•To evaluate the similarities and differences between the actual and theoretical sphere of influence.
•To suggest reasons for any differences.

Learning Objectives Part 2:
Be able to describe and explain how and why patterns of retailing have changed in an area of the UK you have studied. Case study: Manchester / Trafford Centre.

Homework activities DUE TUESDAY 18th MARCH
January 2004 exam questions:
(ii) Referring to Figure 4, suggest reasons why the theoretical sphere of influence around Buckingham is irregular in shape (3)
(iii) Suggest reasons why people might shop in a central place such as Buckingham even if they live outside the theoretical sphere of influence (3)

January 2005 exam question:
Referring to an area in the UK, explain why patterns of retailing have changed in recent years (7).