Monday, 26 November 2007

Urbanisation - Tuesday 27th November

View today's powerpoint here:

Read the article 'People Flock Together' and answer these questions as fully as possible.
1. What prediction can be made about global population over the next 45 years?
2. Figure 1, describe the distribution of the world’s urban areas.
3. What % of the Earth’s total land area is inhabited?
4. Explain why the remaining area is uninhabited.
5. How has urban growth in the MEDW compared with that of the LEDW?
6. How many urban dwellers are estimated to be added per year?
7. What % of global population does the article suggest will live in urban areas by 2007? Was this prediction correct?
8. Where are urban growth rates most rapid?
9. What two reasons can be given for this rapid urban growth?
10. Describe the connection between coastal areas and rapid population growth.

Sunday, 25 November 2007

Settlement Patterns and Processes

This week we will be starting our next unit called Settlement Patterns and Processes; view the weekly outline here.

The BBC have an excellent online resource which will be really useful throughout this unit. Start by having a browse at some of the articles they have.

Saturday, 17 November 2007

End of Unit Test

As you know on Tuesday (20th November) you will be having a test covering everything in the Population and Migration unit of work (i.e. everything since September).

Just a reminder of what we have covered since then ... (this is a downloadable document or you can view it here - just click on it to activate then you can scroll just like you would on Word, Magic!)

Tuesday, 13 November 2007

Migration Podcasts

Craig, Marcus and Matt

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Dan and Joe

James, Jonathan and Matt

Kate and Sian
Want to listen to your case studies on your iPod? Download them here